About Us
Directors & Management
Patrick Say
BSc(Hons) (Geol), Grad Cert (App Fin), MAusIMM
Pat is a graduate of RMIT University in Victoria in Applied Geology (Hons). He has 20+ years’ mining industry experience, including 10 years as Chief Geologist with Rex Minerals Limited, where he led the geological team which delineated and evaluated the Hillside copper-gold deposit through to Feasibility Study level. Pat worked on the Mt Keith nickel mine in Western Australia with WMC, and within the South Australian copper-gold industry with OZ Minerals Limited on the Prominent Hill copper-gold operation, where he managed the Resource Development team. Prior to starting Treo, Pat worked with the team which evaluated and acquired, for Rex Minerals, the Hog Ranch gold project in Nevada, USA.
Pat has strong leadership and project management skills, along with valuable industry experience in a broad range of relevant areas such as exploration geology, ore definition, financial evaluation, grade control processes and mining.
David Palumbo
David is a Chartered Accountant and graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors with over fourteen years’ experience across company secretarial, corporate advisory and financial management and reporting of ASX listed companies. Mr Palumbo is an employee of Mining Corporate Pty Ltd, where he has been actively involved in numerous corporate transactions. He currently also serves on the Board of Krakatoa Resources (ASX:KTA), Albion Resources Limited (ASX:ALB) and Rubix Resources Limited (ASX:RB6).